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I can Help you be More Productive with Your Remote Team

This is how you build an effective team for company success and growth

Do you work with a remote team? A distributed work force? A hybrid team?

Do you get frustrated by the different time zones and balancing calendars?

When I was building my remote company before remote work was a thing, I had to figure out these nuances to create a productive, global remote workforce that enabled me to grow my social media company from zero to a $50MM exit.

Here’s how I built a productive remote team:

Asynchronous videos are powerful. Use them.

There’s nothing like experiencing the tone, facial expressions, and personal touch of a leader. It creates a feeling of community and enhances company culture.

When working with a remote or hybrid team, asynchronous videos are a powerful way to convey your message and a meaning, with no need to have everyone in the same room at the same time.

→ When used properly, this tool can move projects forward effortlessly.

Don’t move on to the next problem before the current one has been solved. And stay on a problem until it is solved.

Tackling problem upon problem without having solved previous ones simply creates more problems, more stress, and more disappointment for everyone.

Have a relentless focus on finding solutions before looking for more issues.

Unless you know you’re going to solve a problem during one sitting, don’t schedule a meeting that will end at a specific time. Stay focused on that one problem during the entire meeting. In theory, it shouldn’t end before a solution is found. And if the problem persists, move it over to the next meeting.

→ Add nothing to the agenda until that single problem has been solved.

Always have a Next Step. Always.

Having a meeting without scheduling a next step is a waste of time and energy. Every meeting needs to have a next step attached to it to keep the purpose of the meeting going. This keeps the momentum going and makes sure the meeting was worth having to begin with.

→ Without a next step, the whole point of meeting in the first place can be lost.

Get rid of PowerPoint and embrace critical thinking.

PowerPoint only benefits the creator, not the audience. I can’t be more blunt than that. It gives the presenter the ability to control the flow of information, but it often leads to a one-way communication where the audience is just passively receiving information.

This can stifle interaction and critical thinking.

Instead, focus on creating a dialogue, encouraging questions, and fostering a more engaging environment. This approach invites everyone to think deeply, take part, and really understand the topic, rather than just watching slides.

→ Ditching PowerPoint can lead to more dynamic, thoughtful, and interactive discussions.

Expect results from your team, not hours worked.

Don’t be worried about what your team is doing during the day. It isn’t important to you. If they’re running their kids around or doing laundry, let them. It’s ok. You are paying them for results, not for hours. The hours are irrelevant. The quicker you can get your head around this, the better it is for everyone involved.

→ When running a remote team, you need to trust your people.

Push the button of the human. We are all human and we just want to be treated as one.

Too often we get too caught up in focusing on work when, in fact, we need to be focusing on the human. The work is getting done by the human, remember?

By prioritizing the well-being and needs of your team members, you not only support them as individuals but also ensure that the work gets done more effectively.

→ Happy and cared-for humans make for productive and efficient work.
Remember that.

Don’t let getting together happen by accident.

If we don’t make the time to get together, we won’t get together. Don’t let it happen by happenstance.

Here is the thing. I am not advocating meeting for the sake of meeting.

I’m advocating getting together as human beings to connect, share, and collaborate meaningfully. It's about creating opportunities to build relationships, exchange ideas, and support each other, both professionally and personally.

Intentional gatherings are crucial for fostering a strong team dynamic and ensuring everyone feels valued and heard. Make it a point to schedule these interactions deliberately; don’t just leave them to chance.

→ This ensures that you and your team aren’t just co-workers, but a cohesive, connected community.

Your time compounds your team’s time.

Think of your time as an investment in your team. When you spend just 5 minutes with a team member, it's not just those 5 minutes that count. That short amount of time can energize and motivate your team member for the entire day. It's like your 5 minutes gets multiplied, turning into a whole day's worth of positive impact and productivity.

→ This is how your time can have a compounding effect on your team's time and energy.

Compound latency is your problem. Not your team’s problem.

You know.

A compounding effect of time because things are taking too long get done. You are blaming it on time zones and differing schedules. You are frustrated because things aren’t getting done.

It’s your fault and not your team’s. You are not using the tools available in the market to eliminate this perceived problem.

→ Instead, use time zones and geography to your advantage, lengthening your work day to 24 hours.

Take on the responsibilities of the people you hired. It is not their fault.

I will keep this point simple. If the person you hire doesn’t work out or isn’t working, it’s not their fault. It is yours.

Rather than rushing to fill a position with just any candidate, it's crucial to exercise patience and select the right human for the role. Remember, as an employer, you play a key role in their success; it's your responsibility to support and guide them, not merely theirs to perform.

→ It’s easy to just “hire someone” then complain when they aren’t working. Don’t.

That’s it! I hope you find these tips helpful for you as you continue to lead, build and develop your remote work team.

Until tomorrow, Business Athlete Nation,


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Inside the Lab: Live. Curious. Conversations
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is a daily LIVE talk show for creators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, athletes and startup founders. We share interesting stories from interesting people to entertain, inspire, and inform you.
We like to dig into the moment behind the moment while digging even deeper into the next moment using curiosity as the driving principle of our conversation.
If you are looking for content and conversation designed to move you, inspire you and help you be accountable to your next in life. Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is the place for you.