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Happy New Year BAPL Nation—Let's Set Ambitious Goals Together

Using Your Experience to Build Your Own Brand the BAPL Way

Happy New Year’s Business Athlete Nation.

What is the ultimate form of accountability?

Public accountability.

It's shouting your goals from the rooftops—that's what!

Even if nobody is listening, your own mirror is listening, and that's a powerful way to stick to your intentions.

That's exactly what I'm doing in this email: laying out our 2024 map for success and elaborating on the journey we're embarking on in The Lab.

Visionaries can see things other people can't.

We have the responsibility to guide actions towards that invisible future, and we do it for the benefit of our fellow humans.

I know you need BAPL.

You just don’t know it—yet.

Ever heard of the saying, "You don't know what you're missing until it's right in front of you"?

That is BAPL.

It's the gym—the community—you didn't know you needed until you stepped in.

With the world constantly changing, adapting to remote work and distributed teams, we're learning to flex new muscles.

But it's not just about the physical gym anymore.

Think about it.

Social proof is now the new gold standard for measuring experiences. There's this incredible shift from macro to micro-cultures, and communities of like-minded, like-believing people are popping up globally every day.

And guess what?

We're creating our very own tribe right here at BAPL—a home for career-transitioning business leaders and athletes.

It's a new kind of locker room.

A place where you're safe to build, create, and shape your personal brand.

Your experience?

That's your ticket to your next big thing. This is accountability at its finest; a challenge to yourself, by yourself.

Ever found yourself chasing a goal with no one to support or guide you, only to give up midway or even sooner?

That's where we come in.

You're used to structure, a system, a team.

And now, as you stand alone, seeking accountability, you might feel lost, even doubtful.

You might be waiting for that perfect moment, yet feel paralyzed by the fear of starting.

We're here to support you.

We get it.

Starting anew is tough. I am doing it right in front of you.

Your experience is your most valuable asset, and realizing this is the first step towards crafting your Next.

YOU are your next big brand.

But where do you even start?

We're here to guide you, to be your accountability partner—the most dedicated in the world.

As we focus on our community and audience, we're rolling out innovative and tailored solutions to propel you to your Next.

Know someone who needs a push, a partner in building their personal brand?

Share this post with them.

And hey, we're offering a 7-day, no-obligations FREE trial on all our memberships.

Let's make 2024 the year of action, growth, and accountability!


POPA - Power of Public Accountability

To hold myself accountable to our business goals, I want to publicly lay them out for you. While they may seem ambitious, I believe that without ambition, you have already accepted defeat.

When we have ambition, we have permission to try, fail, re-adjust.

To pivot.

And begin again.

What are your business goals this year?

Leave a comment


To summarize our goal in one sentence for 2024.

Build our Inside the Business Athlete Performance Lab newsletter audience.

Bapl Membership:

  • + 2500 targeted member specific Linked In Followers

  • + 500 x free Inside the Business Athlete Performance Lab members by end of 2024

  • + 200 x paid Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous members by end of 2024

  • + 50 x paid League of Business Athlete founding Members Plans by end of 2024


  1. We are on an aggressive content marketing push.

  2. Aggressive Podcast outreach to build audience

Bapl Content:

  • 365 Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous Episodes ✅

    • 20 x After the Buzzer with Dale Weise shows

    • 50 x Coaches Corner paid shows

    • 50 x Scouting Report paid shows

  • 20 x ABH Shows

  • 20 x AJZ Shows

  • Launch of The Daily Conversation paid Talk Show OS SaaS in late 2024

Bapl Solutions:


    • Have 10 paying customers

  • Bapl BRAND

    • Launch of the ABH Project (Coming Soon)

    • Launch of the AJZ Project (Coming Soon)

    • Launch of the DW Project (Coming Soon)

  • Transformation:

  • Deliver at least ONE Transformation ‘24 experience:

    • Take 10 members to summit Mt Kilimanjaro with a warm up trek on Mt Pico.

    • Take 10 members on a transformative Kenyan Adventure in December 2024.

    Note: Live in the Lab episodes will be done on location during these experiences

Bapl Outreach:

  • Appear on 50 Podcasts in 2024

Strategic Intentions

  • We are using our flagship show Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous as our lead magnet, our networking platform, our experience builder.

  • We are building a brand on accountability, and creating LIVE content that is predictable and timely is part of our approach.

  • We are constantly iterating with messaging and positioning as we fine tune our offer to our audience.

  • We are launching two new paid content programs in 2024 called Coaches Corner and The Scoutin’ Report.

    • Coaches Corner: A (paid) talk show targeted at business and leadership coaches looking to get their message in front of our audience. It is a BAPL Spin on the infomercial.

    • Scoutin’ Report: A (paid) talk show for recruiters to showcase and highlight career opportunities targeted at career transitioning business leaders and athletes.


BAPL Membership Solutions Recap

Subscribe to our FREE Inside the Business athlete Performance Lab newsletter.

Every Sunday, we will share insights, strategies and accountability tips to help you achieve your Next.

Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous

I have said all along, I won’t write you a book.

Instead I have created a (SaaS) Show as a Service with Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous.

It is a Daily talk show designed for you by a guy who is like you. Me. I can share your experiences, your challenges, your questions and your concerns.

  • LitL is the only daily talk show for career transitioning business leaders and athletes in need of accountability check-ins, insights, strategies, and real-life examples of staying accountable for success in work and life.

  • LitL with Keith Bilous is like a book that keeps on giving—and you get to spend time with the author every single day. It’s a living book full of shared experiences, all aimed at inspiring and motivating you through relatable, real-life stories.

  • We create various forms of content for our LitL subscribers aimed at entertaining you, inspiring you, motivating you to get you thinking about your Next and keep you accountable to achieving it.

It is designed as the ultimate self help accountability membership to support every other membership you have.

  • We aren’t a book you read once and then never use it again.

  • We aren’t a set it and forget it subscription service.

  • We are’t a one and done transaction.

No, we are a series of books, ideas, authors and concepts all rolled into a community of thought, conversation, support and accountability.

Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is your ultimate accountability partner.

We are an ongoing service relationship. We show up to ensure you show up. That is our relationship.

Subscribe for just $8 per month:

  • Unlock the value of every other membership you have that you are not using. We are an accountability service disguised as a talk show.

  • Exclusive access to the BAPL Accountability Community on WhatsApp and Substack, where you can meet and connect with fellow business leaders and athletes facing life transitions.

  • You can expect an accountability check-in at 6 AM in your inbox and podcast player, as well as another check in at 6 PM in your podcast player—daily.

  • BAPL Blocks: We chop up LiTL interviews and distribute them as blocks of easily digestible 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minute chunks of inspiration and motivation to help you get through each day.

  • We’ll give you unlimited access to all our Live in the Lab (LiTL) with Keith Bilous shows.

We make suggestions. You make decisions.

Subscribe to the League of Business Athletes Plan for a one time fee of $1200.

There are limited spots available for this plan.

  • You get everything from the LiTL with Keith Bilous plan, PLUS:

    • Exclusive content delivered directly to you.

    • Exclusive League of Business Athletes WhatsAPP group

    • Influence in the direction of BAPL and the solutions we are providing.

    • Direct access to Keith, Dale, AJ and other accountability partners at BAPL.

    • Exclusive access to Live in the Lab guests.

    • Priority access to our 1:1 Accountability Program, BAPL COACH

    • Priority access to the ultimate self accountability program, BAPL BRAND.

    • League Members-Only access to BAPL’s Transformational Experiences.

The League of Business Athletes membership plan is the tailored solution every business leader and athlete facing a career transition needs.

We’ll help you turn your Next life goal into a fun, daily ritual!

Join the League for access to a team dedicated to ONE thing: helping you achieve success in work and life beyond what you’ve been doing until now.

Think of the League as your new team. It’s your new dressing room.

Whether it is weight loss, a relationship goal, work goal or personal goal, we are system and goal agnostic. Whatever you need to achieve, we’ve got your back.

Questions you might be asking as we head into 2024:

Why SubstacK?

  • I like what they are trying to do. They are offering a space for real conversations and discourse that can be monetized by members.

  • I like the commitment they are making to they type of content we are making enabling the next generation of “Talk Show” and community.

  • They have given power to the creator.

  • Best way to experience our content and connect with us is to download the Substack App.

Get more from Keith Bilous in the Substack app
Available for iOS and Android

Why a paid membership:

  • Because we are really offering an accountability service with the content encouraing engagement and creating familiarity and a friendly voice.

  • I believe in the value we are offering and bringing to the table.

  • I believe this content and this platform will help you be accountable to whatever you are trying to achieve next.

  • I believe that for our low fee of $8 per month, we are bringing you more value than any other membership you don’t use.

  • You get so much more than a membership. You get a community. A connection and an attitude to help you be accountable.

Discussion about this podcast

Inside the Lab: Live. Curious. Conversations
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is a daily LIVE talk show for creators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, athletes and startup founders. We share interesting stories from interesting people to entertain, inspire, and inform you.
We like to dig into the moment behind the moment while digging even deeper into the next moment using curiosity as the driving principle of our conversation.
If you are looking for content and conversation designed to move you, inspire you and help you be accountable to your next in life. Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is the place for you.