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Crushing Goals, Cutting Excuses, and Owning Your Mornings Like a Boss

Mornings in the Lab Recap: October 14 - October 18, 2024

We’re bringing you the best tips, insights, and a few wild stories to keep you motivated and on track to achieving your biggest goals.

Whether it’s mastering your morning routine, tackling big goals with accountability, or breaking those bad habits holding you back, this week’s highlights have everything you need to level up your game.

Let’s go, Nation!


Pee Breaks and Rocket Launches

Keith kicked off the week by nudging everyone out of their Canadian Thanksgiving food coma. Soon after, Jon had everyone cracking up with his California story—apparently, during the pandemic, you could pee anywhere without trouble. You could even ask a cop for toilet paper and do your business right there on the pavement. True story.

Then Keith flipped the script, geeking out over SpaceX’s huge win: catching a rocket booster mid-air on the first try. The excitement was contagious, like watching a last-second game winner.

When you stay accountable, even the wildest goals can be nailed.

F*ck the Snooze Button, Let’s Go!

Tuesday’s show was all about flipping the script on life. The crew got into a back-and-forth about whether you’re “time-driven or results-driven,” with Jon pushing the idea that it’s all about chasing the feeling of progress, not just watching the clock.

The real key to change is “disruption”—breaking those bad habits, no matter what it takes. Even changing just a couple of your daily activities can flip your entire trajectory.

It was a lively, no-excuses conversation, packed with energy and some seriously good advice on how to stop letting life happen to you.

Accountability: The Secret Sauce to Crushing Goals

Keith and the crew got real about the power of accountability partners. They emphasized how having someone to check in with can push you further, but ultimately, it’s about learning to be accountable to yourself.

Small changes in your daily habits can make all the difference when it comes to reaching your goals.

Running vs. Romping: The Real Debate

Things got heated when Keith asked the crew: what’s better for your health—running or sex? Jon kicked it off by saying it’s all about effort, whether you're hitting the treadmill or the bedroom.

Marty jumped in with his logic: “Everyone’s having sex, but not everyone’s in shape. So, which one’s really better?”

Keith broke down the science, comparing calorie burn, heart health, and even life expectancy. Turns out, running might burn more calories, but sex has some hidden perks—like boosting immunity and lowering stress. The crew was all in on the debate, with Jon saying:

“If you’re playing your sex game like you’re running for a marathon, you’re gonna win either way!”

The conclusion? Why choose? Do both: run, romp, and hit your goals in the gym and the bedroom!

Bouncing Back & Triple Trouble

Thursday’s show opened with Keith digging into failure and how it’s part of the process. Jon encouraged everyone to “fail fast” to speed up success, while Marty emphasized resilience, saying, “You can’t tell what I’m going through just by looking at me.”

Then, things got crazy when Keith shared a bizarre story about a man who had three male organs! The crew was floored, with Jon wondering how the guy didn’t notice. Marty had the best line:

“That guy wasn’t scared to fail at anything, huh?”

The takeaway? Embrace failure, get back up, and remember, you never know what’s hidden beneath the surface!

Keep It Up Men—Habits to Boost Your Performance

Friday’s show took a wild turn with a deep dive into men’s health and performance habits—specifically, what’s killing the mood (and the wood).

Keith kicked things off by calling out bad habits that lead to erectile dysfunction. The crew didn’t hold back, with Jon explaining how too much alcohol messes with your body, and Marty emphasizing how crucial sleep is. The laughs kept coming, especially when Kristina chimed in, joking about how she never has an issue—since her equipment stays in a drawer!

Want to stay ready for action? Drop the booze, get active, cut the nicotine, and maybe ease up on the weed. Oh, and don’t save it all for the weekend—daily action is where it’s at!


Your Phone Isn’t the Problem. It’s How You Use it.

👉 Follow the Chief Baplete, Keith Bilous, on Substack or LinkedIn for daily accountability check-ins.


How To Use Morning Routines to Fuel Success and Unlock Your Potential

Cordelro Brown, a leader in the venture capital world, shared a crucial element of success that every entrepreneur can benefit from—a strong morning routine.

Cordelro highlighted how founders he’s worked with use early mornings to sharpen their focus, gain a competitive edge, and set themselves up for daily wins.

The secret?

Getting up early to refine pitches, plan strategies, or simply clear your mind. Cordelro emphasized that the most successful people start their day with purpose, creating momentum from the moment they wake up.

Whether you’re leading a startup or looking to hit new fitness goals, mastering your morning is a game-changer. If you need to up your morning routine game, this conversation is for you. Check it out below.


How to Beat Knee Pain with Strength and Mobility


Building Lifelong Habits Through Accountability

What’s the real secret to lasting success?

It’s not motivation—it’s accountability.

In Monday’s deep dive, Ian Tenenbaum joined the crew to break down how cutting out distractions, setting priorities, and creating realistic goals are the foundation for building habits that actually last. Ian highlighted how long-term success comes from hitting checkpoints, not aiming for quick wins.

Having a system of accountability keeps you moving forward, even when motivation is nowhere to be found. And trying to be perfect from the start only leads to burnout.

Success is a long game, and daily accountability is how you win it.

👉 Watch the full show here.

Rewriting Your Life with Intentionality and Action

Ever feel like your life is on autopilot?

In Tuesday’s deep dive, Mark Leruste brought the fire, explaining how you can take charge of your story—or risk letting it run you. He shared practical steps, starting with a powerful exercise: make a list of your life’s defining moments, both good and bad, and use them as fuel to shape your future.

Mark didn’t sugarcoat it—real transformation is tough. But the secret is in taking action before you feel ready.

Change happens when you act, and the right feelings will follow. Your story isn’t finished, and the power to rewrite it is already in your hands.

👉 Watch the full show here.

Why Going It Alone Is Holding You Back

Think you don’t need an accountability partner?

Think again.

In Wednesday’s deep dive, Will Greenblatt laid it out: accountability isn’t just helpful—it’s essential if you want to level up. Will shared how regular check-ins with a partner have kept him on track, turning lofty goals into real progress.

The crew dug into why accountability works, with Jon explaining how growth fuels motivation, while Marty emphasized the importance of holding yourself accountable first.

You can’t rely on willpower alone. If you want to hit your goals, you need someone to push you, challenge you, and keep you honest.

👉 Watch the full show.

Why Failure is Your Biggest Opportunity

Tired of feeling like a failure?

Thursday’s deep dive with Adam House was all about flipping that script. Adam reminded us that redemption is not about surviving—it’s about turning your losses into opportunities. He shared how embracing failure as a tool for growth, rather than a roadblock, is the key to thriving in life and business.

Resilience isn’t enough—you need to use your failures as fuel.

Falling down isn’t the end. It’s only when you choose to stay down that you truly lose. Redemption starts with standing up and moving forward, one small step at a time.

👉 Check out the full show now.

Master Your Mornings, Master Your Life

If you’re not winning your mornings, you’re losing the day.

In Friday’s deep dive, Cordelro Brown shared how intentional morning habits have been the foundation of his success, passed down from his father who started his day at 4 a.m. Whether it’s a walking meditation or a gym session, Cordelro’s routine fuels both mental clarity and physical energy.

Your morning routine isn’t just a habit—it’s the blueprint for success.

👉 Watch the full show.


Create Your Own Luck Through Preparation


Unlock the Secret to Building a Stronger Back

If you’ve been struggling to build a bigger, stronger back, Jon and Marty have the blueprint you need. This session was all about targeting your back from every angle—because it's not just about pull-ups or lat pulldowns.

Compound movements like deadlifts are the real game-changers.

Jon explained how the back is one of the largest muscles, meaning it can handle more work than you think. Marty highlighted the importance of switching up exercises and angles to fully develop your back muscles.

Bottom line? Hit it hard, stay consistent, and don’t let your back routine get stale.

Crushing Home Workouts—No Equipment, No Excuses

Think you can’t get a solid workout at home?

Think again.

In this session, Jon and Marty tackled the myth that you need a fully-equipped gym to see results. Jon shut down the excuses, reminding everyone that bodyweight exercises—when done with intensity—can deliver serious gains.

“Do 100 bodyweight squats and tell me you didn’t get a workout,” he said.

Marty added that increasing reps, reducing rest time, or using a weighted vest can level up any home workout. Whether it’s push-ups, squats, or dips, the key is pushing yourself hard enough to feel the burn.

The best workout is the one you actually do, so drop the excuses and get moving!

👉 Follow Christopher “CMartyFit” Martin on LinkedIn and Instagram.

👉 Follow Jon Andersen on LinkedIn and Instagram.


The Business Athlete Manifesto

This week, Keith broke down the guiding principles that he lives by and help people understand exactly who they’re dealing with when doing business with him.

We all need a manifesto - what’s yours?

Want more? Check out the conversations from the Business & Branding playlist.


Build a Brand That’s 100% You

👉 Follow Kristina with a “K” on LinkedIn for personal branding mastery.


(Like a Coffee Break, but Better)

How to Fuel Your Workouts for Maximum Results

If you’re not sure what to eat before a workout, you’re not alone.

Jon, Marty, and Jorie tackled the key to pre-workout nutrition—personalization.

The right fuel depends on your specific goals, whether it's fat loss, strength, or endurance.

Jon stressed the importance of eliminating processed foods for better digestion and faster results, while Marty explained that carbs—not protein shakes—are your real workout fuel. Jorie closed with a reminder to be patient and experiment with what works best for your body.

The right fuel can take your workouts—and results—to the next level.

The Health and Performance Benefits of Creatine

Creatine isn’t just about bulking up—it’s a powerhouse supplement with benefits that go way beyond the gym.

Jorie revealed how creatine monohydrate can improve cognitive function, support heart health, and even help regulate blood sugar.

Jon backed this up, emphasizing that while creatine does enhance performance, it’s also a simple and affordable way to support your long-term health.

Whether you’re focused on fitness or overall wellness, creatine is a must-have in your routine.


How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Take Action

Everyone has that voice in their head—the one that says you’re not good enough, you’re going to fail, or you don’t belong.

AJ Zeglen broke down how to quiet that inner critic and start taking action. Understand that your thoughts aren’t facts, and the only way to push past them is to move. Whether it’s a small step like going for a walk or tackling a big task head-on, action is the antidote to doubt.

Building evidence through action—no matter how small—creates confidence.

And sometimes, you might need to trick yourself into believing you can do it, even if you're not sure yet. Remember, self-compassion is crucial too. Treat yourself like someone you’re responsible for taking care of, and you'll find it easier to take that next step.


Creator Spotlight of the Week

This week, we highlighted Amanda Goetz, a two-time founder, three-time CMO, and single mom of three who is making waves on LinkedIn.

Amanda has built a personal brand centered on authenticity, resilience, and intentional living. Her journey includes founding a wellness brand during the pandemic, scaling it, and later selling it—all while managing the challenges of entrepreneurship and motherhood.

Amanda’s honesty about her struggles, from navigating divorce to balancing work and family, has inspired over 150,000 followers through her newsletter and online presence. She’s a leader who doesn’t just talk about success—she shows how to achieve it without burnout.

If you’re looking for real, actionable insights on balancing ambition and life, Amanda’s content is worth following.

Want more from the Lab? Follow us on YouTube and LinkedIn for daily check-ins, actionable tips, and strategies to help you stay on track and hit your goals.

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Inside the Lab: Live. Curious. Conversations
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous
Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is a daily LIVE talk show for creators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, athletes and startup founders. We share interesting stories from interesting people to entertain, inspire, and inform you.
We like to dig into the moment behind the moment while digging even deeper into the next moment using curiosity as the driving principle of our conversation.
If you are looking for content and conversation designed to move you, inspire you and help you be accountable to your next in life. Live in the Lab with Keith Bilous is the place for you.