
We have three membership tiers to ensure you get the most out of your membership with the Business Athlete Performance Lab

Free Inside the Lab Newsletter

  • No Charge

What you will receive:

  • Access to weekly bapl content on the web and in the app.

  • Receive a weekly roundup email delivered to your inbox once per week giving you a peek into what’s going on at the lab.

PAID Inside the Lab Newsletter

What you will receive:

  • Immediate access to BAPL HQ. The worlds first virtual hybrid gym workspace.

  • Daily accountability check ins

  • Exclusive content delivered directly to your inbox that will show what I am learning while building this new media experience.

  • Exclusive Behind the Scenes access to Live in the Lab content and guests.

  • Immediate connection to the BAPL community

The League of Business Athletes (Lifetime Founders Plan)

  • $3000 One Time Payment (Limited memberships available)

What you will receive:

The League Accountability membership is here to transform your Next holistic life goals into a fun, daily ritual!

When you join the League you join a team that is dedicated to one thing, helping you be accountable to your goals.

That is our mission.

Think of the League like your new team. Your new dressing room.

A place to belong to. A place you “can go to”

In the League, you'll look forward to your daily check-ins with Keith and his team of accountability partners.

These check-ins are not just a nudge towards your goals, but a celebration of your progress, keeping you driven and on track.

The league is more than a commitment. It is a year long transformation driven by your own accountability supported by your accountability team.

In the League, you will receive:

  • Exclusive content delivered to your inbox and your podcast app.

  • Exclusive private WhatsApp group with access to Keith and the team at The Business Athlete Performance Lab.

  • Exclusive access to Live in the Lab guests.

  • Priority access to 1:1 Accountability programming - baplCOACH

  • Priority access to Transformation Experiences.

We believe accountability should feel like a natural part of your day, not a chore. Whether it is weight loss, a relationship goal, work goal or personal goal, we are system and goal agnostic.

We deliver accountability results.

Your success. Your goal achievement is inevitable.