We have three membership tiers to ensure you get the most out of your membership with the Business Athlete Performance Lab
Free Inside the Lab Newsletter
No Charge
What you will receive:
Access to weekly bapl content on the web and in the app.
Receive a weekly roundup email delivered to your inbox once per week giving you a peek into what’s going on at the lab.
PAID Inside the Lab Newsletter
What you will receive:
Immediate access to BAPL HQ. The worlds first virtual hybrid gym workspace.
Daily accountability check ins
Exclusive content delivered directly to your inbox that will show what I am learning while building this new media experience.
Exclusive Behind the Scenes access to Live in the Lab content and guests.
Immediate connection to the BAPL community
The League of Business Athletes (Lifetime Founders Plan)
$3000 One Time Payment (Limited memberships available)
What you will receive:
The League Accountability membership is here to transform your Next holistic life goals into a fun, daily ritual!
When you join the League you join a team that is dedicated to one thing, helping you be accountable to your goals.
That is our mission.
Think of the League like your new team. Your new dressing room.
A place to belong to. A place you “can go to”
In the League, you'll look forward to your daily check-ins with Keith and his team of accountability partners.
These check-ins are not just a nudge towards your goals, but a celebration of your progress, keeping you driven and on track.
The league is more than a commitment. It is a year long transformation driven by your own accountability supported by your accountability team.
In the League, you will receive:
Exclusive content delivered to your inbox and your podcast app.
Exclusive private WhatsApp group with access to Keith and the team at The Business Athlete Performance Lab.
Exclusive access to Live in the Lab guests.
Priority access to 1:1 Accountability programming - baplCOACH
Priority access to Transformation Experiences.
We believe accountability should feel like a natural part of your day, not a chore. Whether it is weight loss, a relationship goal, work goal or personal goal, we are system and goal agnostic.
We deliver accountability results.
Your success. Your goal achievement is inevitable.